Prince's House
46PR+4G Malagón, Spain How to get there?
Casa Rural de alquiler íntegro, hasta 19 personas. Con piscina y todas las comodidades. Una joya de la arquitectura moderna situada a 800 metros del Parque Nacional de Las Tablas de Daimiel.

The Prince's House was commissioned by Pablo Alfonso de Metternich y Silva, 10th Count of Castillejo, 6th Prince of Metternich-Winneburg.

The Harndem and Bombelli team of architects was commissioned to build this family and holiday accommodation. Work began in 1970 and was completed in 1973.

After a long process of restoration of the building and its surroundings, in August 2020 the 'Prince's House' opens its doors, thus highlighting the architectural work of Peter Harnden and Lanfranco Bombelli and giving this 'habitable sculpture' a new lease of life.

Staying in this accommodation today and being able to enjoy its architecture, layout and orientation, shows the great work carried out by the architects, a building half a century old, which more than meets the demands of the 21st century and surprises those who stay in it.

The Prince's House can perfectly accommodate 19 people, up to 12 adults and 7 children.

There are two areas, the noble area where D. Pablo welcomed his guests and the service area, for the people who worked in the kitchen, cleaning and maintenance of the accommodation.

926 850 371606 40 12 78

CM4114 km35 – Daimiel (Ciudad Real)

Latitude 39.136259 - Longitude -3.75765

Tourist business association. We work for a quality, sustainable, responsible and profitable tourism in Daimiel.

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Tablas de Daimiel 2023 Tourist Association - Designed by Peslam Estudios

Beneficiary: Tablas de Daimiel Tourist Association
Actions: Informative web page about the values of the National Park and the tourist services of Daimiel.
Action financed under the Programme of Subsidies in the areas of socio-economic influence of National Parks.